





​乐鱼,苏伊士新创建与上海化学工业区、上汽集团携手于上海建设危废处理项目New contract to recover hazardous waste: in Shanghai, SUEZ NWS join


焦点提醒: 苏伊士新建立与上海化学工业区、上汽团体联袂在上海扶植危废处置项目 New contract to recover hazardous waste:in Shanghai, SUEZ NWS joins forces with SCIP & SAIC Motor 中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事苏伊士新建立与上海化学工业区、上汽团体联袂在上海扶植危废处置项目











苏伊士作为资本聪明化和可延续治理的全球带领者,旗下9万名员工遍及世界五年夜洲。我们供给的水务和固废治理处理方案,能让各年夜城市和工业优化其对资本的治理,晋升其情况和经济绩效并合适监管尺度。团体充实操纵数字化手艺和立异的处理方案,每一年处置逾4,500万吨的烧毁物, 出产440万吨再生原料和7.7太瓦时的再生能源;在水资本庇护方面,团体向6,600万人供给污水处置办事,回用污水11亿立方米。苏伊士在2018年的总收益达173亿欧元。




苏伊士新建立由苏伊士团体和新建立团体无限公司配合合伙组建,以年夜中华地域的水务治理、固废资本 治理和水务项目为焦点营业。苏伊士新建立与各地的合作项目逾 70 个,旗下 8,000 名员工天天不竭尽力, 经由过程聪明化与可延续的水轮回治理、聪明水务处理方案和固废资本治理,帮忙各年夜城市和工商客戶优化其水资本治理、收受接管和轮回操纵烧毁物。今朝,苏伊士新建立在年夜中华区扶植了逾 260 个水厂和污水处置厂,向3,200万生齿供给水务和固废资本治理办事,也是喷鼻港固废治理方面的领先运营者,并在中国内地向 16 个工业园区供给专业的情况治理办事。





New contract to recover hazardous waste:

in Shanghai, SUEZ NWS joins forces with SCIP & SAIC Motor

Following the successful collaboration with Shanghai Chemical Industry Park (SCIP), SUEZ NWS, SCIP and SAICMotor, a major Chinese automotive manufacturing company, are joining forces to recover hazardous waste from automotive sector and clients inside the industrial park. With a total investment of RMB450 million, this contract will address the increasing demand for hazardous waste treatment while supporting them towards environmental growth.

SUEZ NWS has formed a joint venturewith SCIP and SAIC Motor that will be responsible for the investment, construction, an����APPd operation of the hazardous waste to energy facility. It will provide specialized hazardous waste treatment services to the different production sites of SAIC Motor in Shanghai and to the increasing volume of hazardous waste generated by clients inside the Park. Construction work will begin in Q1 2021 and be completed by late 2022. With a total capacity of 40,000 tons/year, the facility will be equipped with waste treatment technologies in compliance with the most stringent European greenhouse gas emissions and fine particulates standards in force.

SUEZ NWS has been providing hazardous waste treatment and recovery services in SCIP since 2006. Currently it has a hazardous waste to energy plant, composed of three lines with annual treatment capacity of 120,000 tons, which can treat the industrial waste of 24 categories and 310 types on the national list of hazardous waste.

Zhang Chun, SCIP General Manager, said:“The signing of this joint venture agreement demonstrates strong alignment among the three signatories around hazardous waste treatment and resource recycling. The new joint venture is committed to providing specialized, high-quality hazardous waste treatment services for SCIP and SAIC Motor. We aspire to become an industry benchmark, with core technological competencies. We also want to continue the transformation of SCIP into a showcase for green industrial parks.”

“I believe that through synergies and the alignment of resources among the three parties, we will make the joint venture an industry benchmark, characterized by stable economics, core competencies and brand influence,”said Cai Bin, Assistant President of SAIC Motor. “We look forward to broader cooperation throughout the joint venture and beyond. We are committed to jointly developing a new ecosystem of environmental services.”

Steve Clark, CEO of SUEZ Asia, said: “SUEZ is honored to be the preferred partner for SAIC and SCIP. This project is an important milestone and it signifies our shared commitment to environment protection. It is particularly significant in these critical times because, as we fight the novel coronavirus, companies must assume the important responsibility of helping to protect the safety and sustainability of the environment in which we live. Building on our existing successful partnership with SCIP, this new agreement, which incorporates the rich technology portfolio and operational and managerial experience of the three partners in solid, liquid and gas waste treatment projects, will be a winning formula for even greater success in our cooperation. It will have far-reaching implications for the coordinated development of the circular economy, as well as for the advancement of industry, society and the environment.”

SUEZ NWS’s Longstanding Partnership with SCIP

SUEZ NWS first partnered with SCIP in water in 2002. A year later, it expanded the cooperation to include hazardous waste treatment. These two projects have been recognized as success stories of excellent third-party environmental governance in Chinese industrial parks, due to their track record of promoting the circular economy, energy conservation and emissions reduction. Over the course of the alliance, the two parties have also set up water and waste R&D centers, as well as an ecological wetland project in the park.

JV Signing Ceremony among SUEZ NWS, SCIP and SAIC Motor


With 90,000 people on the five continents, SUEZ is a world leader in smart and sustainable resource management. We provide water and waste management solutions that enable cities and industries optimize their resource management and strengthen their environmental and economic performances, in line with regulatory standards. With the full potential of digital technologies and innovative solutions, the Group treats over 45 million tons of waste a year, produces 4.4 million tons of secondary raw materials and 7.7 TWh of local renewable energy. It also secures water resources, delivering wastewater treatment services to 66 million people and reusing 1.1 billion m3of wastewater. SUEZ generated total revenues of 17.3 billion euros in 2018.

NWS Holdings Limited

NWS Holdings Limited (Hong Kong Stock Code: 659), as the diversified industries flagship of New World Development Company Limited (Hong Kong Stock Code: 17), invests and operates a wide range of businesses predominantly in Hong Kong and across Greater China. Our core businesses include toll roads, commercial aircraft leasing, construction and insurance, while we also manage a strategic portfolio spanning sectors from environment, logistics, facilities management to transport. Please visit www.nws.com.hkfor details.

SUEZ NWS Limited

SUEZ NWS Limited (“SUEZ NWS”) is a joint venture between SUEZ and NWS Holdings Limited that encompasses our essential business segments – Water Management, Recycling and Waste Recovery and Water Treatment Infrastructure in the Greater China region. With 8,000 employees and over 70 joint ventures with local partners, SUEZ NWS is helping authorities and industries develop innovative solutions to address climate change and sustainable resource management. It has built over 260 water and wastewater treatment plants in Greater China, with more than 32 million people benefiting from our water and waste services. It is a leading operator of waste management in Hong Kong and delivers its expertise in the management of environmental services to 16 industrial parks in Mainland China.

Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park

The Shanghai Chemical Industry Park (SCIP) hosts primarily petroleum and natural gas chemical industries and facilitates further processing and production of petroleum-based products such as synthetic new materials and fine chemicals. It has nurtured product lines such as ethylene, isocyanate and polycarbonate. SCIP is fully equipped with robust infrastructure and utilities and enjoys a strong reputation for management excellence and expeditious services. World-renowned multinationals such as Covestro, BASF, Evonik, Huntsman, Mitsubishi Gas Chemicals and top Chinese firms such as Sinopec, Shanghai Petrochemical, Sinopec Gaoqiao Petrochemical and Huayi Group currently reside in the park.

SAIC Motor Corporation Limited

SAIC Motor is China’s largest A-share company in the automotive industry. Its wholly-owned subsidiary, Shanghai Automobile Asset Management Co., Ltd., covers four major business segments: asset management, creative industries, energy and the environment, and power recharging. It has a strong record of project implementation in solid, liquid and gas waste treatment and boasts extensive engineering know-how and operational and managerial expertise.


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